Looking Up At The Unknown

Turning upside down or looking at things from a new perspective allows you to see things different from what you are used to, or what has always been natural to you.

When you have the opportunity to really set your drishti, “your mind’s eye,” on something higher than you normally do— there are endless possibilities and you might realize along the way that the things you put importance on might not be that important. 

And what you think you know so firmly, you actually may not.

Be OPEN TO NEW INFORMATION & NEW POSSIBILITIES. Go upside down in your yoga practice or go outside and look up at the sky. You might be pleasantly surprised. 

I do this when i am stuck in a moment. When I’m having a difficult conversation, I pause and ask myself “maybe there is something you are not seeing?”

Can you shift your vision, and find compassion? Where are your blind spots?

Try this affirmation:

“I really need to do the work in looking at myself so that i can create deeper And more meaningful connections in my life.” 


Try Easy, Not Hard